What research on gov20? Help shaping the European research agenda

Hi all
may I draw the group's attention to the Crossroad project (www.crossroad-eu.net), funded by the European Commission to build a research roadmap for governance and policy modeling (including government 2.0).
In the project, we are mapping the different research activities in this field and providing guidelines for future research that the European Commission should fund. 

In order to draw on the maximum range of ideas, Crossroad just launched a call for contributions, where we ask to provide a short paper on the state of the art of a related field and on future research needs. Deadline is february 25th. The best papers' authors will be included in the Scientific Committee, rewarded with a lump sum.

I believe the EC would gain immensely from input and contribution by the group. And the group would benefit from influencing EU research funding and make it more in line with state-of-the-art development. To give you an idea, the latest biennial programme devoted 14 M Euros to this research field - http://ec.europa.eu/information_society/newsroom/cf/itemdetail.cfm?item_id=4535

Obviously, the call is open to contributors worldwide. You can find it attached.



skype, twitter: osimod
mobile: +32-498088323

Received on Tuesday, 9 February 2010 17:46:12 UTC