RE: Catalog software to maintain/display OWL vocabularies...

Richard, Ken Sall and Judy Newton compiled an XML schema and stylesheet
based on SKOS: & 

I use an InfoPath form to maintain the StratML glossary in conformance with
that schema and stylesheet:

However, any XML-enabled E-form or authoring/editing application could be
used to create instance documents applying that schema.

+1 to Ed Summers' comment in a separate message with respect to the
potential of a "lightweight web-centric approach."


-----Original Message-----
From: []
On Behalf Of Richard Cyganiak
Sent: Tuesday, February 02, 2010 2:10 PM
To: Rinke Hoekstra
Cc: Niklas Lindström; Peter Krantz; Michael Hausenblas; eGov IG
Subject: Re: Catalog software to maintain/display OWL vocabularies...

Hi Rinke,

On 2 Feb 2010, at 09:48, Michael Hausenblas wrote:
>> Great, I figured as much (as the demo seems to be down). Do you  
>> have any plans
>> for incorporating a SKOS view/browser in Neologism? As an  
>> increasing number of
>> ontologies/vocabularies are now developed as SKOS, this would be  
>> very useful.

A SKOS editor in Neologism would be interesting, but I don't see it  
happening in the near future -- our priority is to make Neologism a  
really great RDF Schema editor, and that still requires some work.

I agree that a simple web based SKOS editor would be great to have  
around. I liked the commercial PoolParty [1] after seeing a demo, but  
there should also be a free alternative that can be used in quick  



> Interesting idea. I'd prefer not to answer myself, if you allow, but  
> refer
> to Richard Cyganiak, the Neologism project lead. I think he reads  
> this list
> anyway, but included him in the reply just to make sure ;)
> Cheers,
>      Michael
> -- 
> Dr. Michael Hausenblas
> LiDRC - Linked Data Research Centre
> DERI - Digital Enterprise Research Institute
> NUIG - National University of Ireland, Galway
> Ireland, Europe
> Tel. +353 91 495730
>> From: Rinke Hoekstra <>
>> Date: Tue, 2 Feb 2010 10:42:45 +0100
>> To: Michael Hausenblas <>
>> Cc: Niklas Lindström <>, Peter Krantz
>> <>, eGov IG <>
>> Subject: Re: Catalog software to maintain/display OWL vocabularies...
>> Hi Michael,
>> On 2 feb 2010, at 10:14, Michael Hausenblas wrote:
>>> Indeed. For a start I'd suggest people look at the voiD overview  
>>> [1] and the
>>> voiD guide [2]. Further we are currently working on voiD 2.0 [3],  
>>> which we
>>> intent to submit to W3C as a member submission.
>>> Regarding dataset dynamics, we are working on a vocabulary [4] and  
>>> a first
>>> demo is available [5] as well. This is rather premature work,  
>>> though a
>>> couple of people seem to be interested and have gathered in a  
>>> respective
>>> working group [6].
>> Thanks for these pointers, very interesting stuff.
>>>> For vocabulary publishing tools, I suggest examining e.g. Neologism
>>>> [4]. It's built on Drupal, seems to use clean, reliable and
>>>> *non-tool-dependent* URI:s. A prime example of it in action is voiD
>>>> itself (with representations available as HTML, RDF, N3 and a
>>>> diagram).
>>> Right. We are about to release a new version of Neologism very  
>>> soon and
>>> happy to keep you posted.
>> Great, I figured as much (as the demo seems to be down). Do you  
>> have any plans
>> for incorporating a SKOS view/browser in Neologism? As an  
>> increasing number of
>> ontologies/vocabularies are now developed as SKOS, this would be  
>> very useful.
>> Cheers,
>> Rinke
>>> Cheers,
>>>     Michael
>>> [1]
>>> [2]
>>> [3]
>>> [4]
>>> [5]
>>> [6]
>>> -- 
>>> Dr. Michael Hausenblas
>>> LiDRC - Linked Data Research Centre
>>> DERI - Digital Enterprise Research Institute
>>> NUIG - National University of Ireland, Galway
>>> Ireland, Europe
>>> Tel. +353 91 495730
>>>> From: Niklas Lindström <>
>>>> Date: Tue, 2 Feb 2010 00:39:14 +0100
>>>> To: Peter Krantz <>
>>>> Cc: eGov IG <>
>>>> Subject: Re: Catalog software to maintain/display OWL  
>>>> vocabularies...
>>>> Resent-From: <>
>>>> Resent-Date: Mon, 01 Feb 2010 23:40:09 +0000
>>>> Peter, all!
>>>> I think the form of such a repository could be exposed as a
>>>> void:Dataset [1], with its dynamics (updates) expressed using e.g.
>>>> Atom feeds. See dady [2] (DatasetDynamics) for building upon voiD  
>>>> [3]
>>>> to express such data syndication/synchronization
>>>> (notification/update).
>>>> For vocabulary publishing tools, I suggest examining e.g. Neologism
>>>> [4]. It's built on Drupal, seems to use clean, reliable and
>>>> *non-tool-dependent* URI:s. A prime example of it in action is voiD
>>>> itself (with representations available as HTML, RDF, N3 and a
>>>> diagram).
>>>> I'm not sure about where it stands regarding describing its content
>>>> with voiD, dady, Atom etc; but it seems reasonable it may progress
>>>> along that path. And hopefully more tools will appear using the  
>>>> same
>>>> approach. (The principles themselves should of course be clear and
>>>> non-tool-specific; i.e. Cool URIs, conneg/REST, dataset  
>>>> descriptions
>>>> and dynamics, feeds.)
>>>> Jeni Tennison's series of posts about Linked Data [5] about are  
>>>> also
>>>> an excellent source of practical experience on these matters.
>>>> Best regards,
>>>> Niklas Lindström
>>>> [1]:
>>>> [2]:
>>>> [3]:
>>>> [4]:
>>>> [5]:
>>>> On Thu, Jan 21, 2010 at 3:14 PM, Peter Krantz < 
>>>> >
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> Hi!
>>>>> We are investigating cost efficient ways of maintaining a  
>>>>> catalog of
>>>>> vocabularies created by various agencies. As data outlives
>>>>> organizations I would like to bea able to find an OWL model years
>>>>> after the agency that created it was shut down.
>>>>> In addition, many of the websites that our agencies have today are
>>>>> poor att maintaining URL:s over time so a common repository  
>>>>> would make
>>>>> life easier for the people involved in creating and maintaining
>>>>> vocabularies.
>>>>> I guess I would like to have a website that presented
>>>>> vocabularies in a consistent way for both humans and machines  
>>>>> while at
>>>>> the same time enabling discoverability of all the vocabularies  
>>>>> that
>>>>> the public sector creates.
>>>>> Is anyone here aware if such software exists? Has anyone seen  
>>>>> similar
>>>>> catalogs on the web?
>>>>> Regards,
>>>>> Peter Krantz
>>>>> Stockholm, Sweden

Linked Data Technologist • Linked Data Research Centre
Digital Enterprise Research Institute (DERI), NUI Galway, Ireland

Received on Tuesday, 2 February 2010 21:17:25 UTC