Re: Universal distributed open government data catalog?

On Tue, Feb 2, 2010 at 8:02 AM, Antti Poikola <> wrote:
> During this year 2010 most propably 3 new catalogs will open
> 1. National Official
> 2. Regional (Helsinki capital city region)
> 3. Independent developer community catalog
> How can we make sure that the catalogs work togeather between three of them
> and togeather with the rest of the catalogs:

Thanks for your post Antti -- I guess this is a goal many of us share.

My personal opinion is that a key ingredient to making this happen is
to publish dataset availability and metadata using a syndicated feed
(Atom and/or RSS). This would allow datasets to be aggregated at the
national level from the regional levels, and would also empower an
egov developer community (around the world) to do the same. This idea
is not my own; it's work that Erik Wilde, Eric Kansa and Raymond Yee
did at the UC Berkeley analyzing the effort here in the
US [1].

I really think there is an opportunity here for the w3c egov working
group to publish a Note or some other document that defines best
practices for publishing dataset availability without dipping into the
details of what formats to use for the datasets themselves.

My hunch is that this lightweight web-centric approach would work
quite well with rdf/xml, ebXML, pdf, and other data formats. Feed
syndication is a technology that is widely deployed across the web,
and would allow government data to participate in an already thriving
ecosystem of machine readable data.



Received on Tuesday, 2 February 2010 18:00:04 UTC