Re: Raw-data-now

On Sat, Jan 23, 2010 at 9:29 AM, Peter Krantz <> wrote:
> I have had some success in explaining a three step process:
> 1. Publish whatever you have in whatever format it currently is in.
> This provides data for people to start tinkering with and ask
> questions about.
> 2. While data is out there, start thinking about the context it lives
> in. We are looking at harmonizing the way agencies publish their
> vocabularies as a first step (e.g. OWL).
> 3. Gradually adapt your data to make it use common identifiers for
> common things.

I like this Peter. Perhaps this is going to far, but for me, a key
part about the "context" in (2) is defining and publishing metadata
for the dataset. This metadata needs to be published on the web in
such a way that allows third parties to keep track of what is being
made available. I'm thinking syndicated feeds of some kind as well the
descriptions being crawl-able by search engines.

Is there room in the working groups plans to publish a w3c note that
outlines simple recipes for making government datasets and their
metadata available on the web?


Received on Monday, 1 February 2010 19:21:09 UTC