Re: Water

My research only indicates <> (9-12)  a penchant for extremely short working hours among peoples native to Scotland.

A bit of weather from time to time would explain though how the much more industrious Southern Californians have been able to convince tourists that a "Hollywood" suntan is almost as good as a "Holyroot" suntan.  One expects when the Scots finally get around to it, as is their way, we will be hearing things like "Surf the Firth", etc.. :o)


--- On Tue, 8/10/10, Mike Norton <> wrote:

From: Mike Norton <>
Subject: Water
Date: Tuesday, August 10, 2010, 11:10 PM

A summer reading of Roderick Mann's "The Account" has me relishing his analogy:  Scotland is like a 400-mile car wash.  Is this why from Edinburgh comes the Director of the World Wide Wet Consortium?
 Michael A. Norton 

Received on Saturday, 14 August 2010 19:44:14 UTC