Discoverability of open government data

Hi all,

my name is Daniel Dietrich, I am a researcher at Technical University Berlin, Germany and also chairman of the german based non-profit open data network.

I am digging into the topic of the "discoverability of open government data" and found that there is little information out there. 

My underling thought is that it is simply not enough for governments to publish "some data somehow on the net", but that the data can only be of value to the public if it is easy to "discover" the relevant information. 

I am especially interested in data catalogue related issues, search engine related issues and issues with proper metadata structure and semantic technologies such as rdf. 

I would appreciate very much I you would share with me your experiences, examples for good and bad practice, anecdotes and the like on these issues. Thanks for your time. 

Kind regards

Daniel Dietrich
Opendata Network e.V.
Erich-Weinert-Str. 17
D - 10439 Berlin

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Steuernummer: 27/674/52290

Twitter: @opendatanetwork
Twitter: @opendatablog

Received on Thursday, 22 April 2010 16:15:29 UTC