[dcat] Tomorrow's dcat Agenda

Plain text agenda below, HTML version on wiki:

(Any serious participants are welcome to join.  You don't need to signup
anywhere at this time.)

    - Richard


Meeting Logistics

     * Thursday, 22 April 2010, for 60 minutes
     * Starting 8am San Francisco, 11am Boston, 4pm London, 5pm Paris

   To join the audio meeting:
     * +1.617.761.6200, + or +44.117.370.6152, Conf
       Code: 3468 ("EGOV")
     * Please dial 61# to mute yourself, 60# to unmute, 41# to raise
       your hand
     * More instructions: http://www.w3.org/2002/01/UsingZakim

   To join for additional text chat:
     * IRC: irc.w3.org:6665 channel #egov
     * http://www.mibbit.com/chat/#egov@irc.w3.org:6665

     * Chair: Richard Cyganiak
     * Scribe: Sandro
     * W3C Staff Contact: Sandro Hawke


     * review http://richard.cyganiak.de/2010/03/dcat-for-egov-ig.pdf

     * review http://www.w3.org/egov/wiki/Data_Catalog_Vocabulary#Links_and_Resources
     * Especially http://sunlightlabs.com/blog/2010/drafting-guidelines-government-data-catalogs/


     * Anyone new?
     * Scribe for next meeting?

Presentations of existing work (25min)

     3-5 minutes per topic; material (examples etc) should be prepared  
     placed on the wiki in advance!

     * Foundations: Dublin Core, SKOS (Ed)
     * Sunlight Labs API proposal (David, Luigi) (awaiting confirmation)
     * DERI's dcat proposal (Fadi)
     * CTIC's Dataset Catalog Vocabulary and “meta-catalog” (Martin)

Atom and dataset updates (15min)

     * What role can Atom play in dataset catalogs?
          * Notify consumers about dataset updates?
          * API for manipulating catalog entries (AtomPub)?
          * Bundling individual dataset records into a catalog (see  
Atom use in opengov.se)?
     * Any use cases that RDF doesn't address?

Scope and Deliverables for this group (15min)

     * Vocabulary Reference Document (HTML and RDFS)?
     * Implementation Guide document?
     * Demonstrator?
     * Use Cases? Requirements?
     * Test cases?
     * ...?

Received on Wednesday, 21 April 2010 16:25:21 UTC