Group Call Tomorrow



Apologies that we didn't get an agenda out for the call tomorrow. Call
in information is on the WIKI.


We will be meeting. I will only be able to Chair from 9am EST to 10 am
EST given some other meetings. John S is scheduled to scribe.


Major topic to discuss will be the work items listed below. The Chairs
met a couple weeks ago and crafted the five major buckets below as we
work through developing the activity plan to bridge the new charter.
Please review and we will discuss on the call. We want to get group
input and feedback on whether these are the right buckets, contain the
right direction and product, and do they allow us to move forward with
an achievable work plan. If we agree on the following, we would suggest
to the group to begin building task groups focused on the individual
areas to best take advantage of the varied expertise that we have in the
group. The below are in addition to the current activities including
Editorial Task Force.


1.  Government Linked Data: Techniques and Technologies


    Efforts would be focused on developing written guidance and

   Written for someone with a basic technical knowledge of deploying

   web servers, relational DBMS's, client-server architecture, etc.

    Assumes the reader is already convinced of the merits of LD.


2.  Government Linked Data: Strategies and Success Stories  


    Efforts would be focused on developing a high-level planning/roadmap

    motivating the adoption of linked data technologies for government
open data, and detailing the

    organizational steps to a successful deployment.  Written for middle

    and high level IT managers.  Does not assume the reader is convinced

    about using LD.


3.  Best Practices for Using Web Technologies to Deliver Government


    Collection of everything we know about eGov, addressing the major
access and interface 

    issues that currently exist across government. Efforts would focus
on addressing web 1.0

    and web 2.0 issues, approaches, and solutions.    Maybe a few
technology details, but still usable for



4.  Best Practices for Long-Term Government Data Management.


    Efforts focused on crafting guidance and documentation focusing on 

   the particular issues of long-term data, including

    interfacing with legacy systems and requirements for archiving.

    Some overlap with #1 and #2, but with a different emphasis for the

    folks whose greatest interest is in long-term stability of data.


5.  Issues and Best Practices in Government Use of Social Media.


    Propriety, ethics, how officials ought to engage, ....  everyone

    else is already talking about it already, but let's try to bring

    what we can together with our international, standards-based



Cheers and talk to you all in the morning.



Received on Wednesday, 28 October 2009 01:25:24 UTC