Re: Defining "Open" Data (was RE: no F2F3 in 2009 -- Re: Agenda, eGov IG Call, 11 Nov 2009)

Todd Vincent wrote:
> This is an interesting topic.  

Very true, but not all possible aspects are within scope here.

As a citizen, I'm certainly interested in social and practical openness, 
   meaning information accessible by all and for any possible use when 
talking about government data. Tech-wise though, we mostly mean easy to 
use in the context of heterogeneous systems etc.

Of course, I'm sure many would be interested in ways "open" in the 
technical sense may be directed in such a way as to produce social 
(side?) effects.

Oh well.
Manos Batsis, Chief Technologist
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Received on Thursday, 12 November 2009 17:34:16 UTC