cancelling call today -- Re: Agenda, eGov IG Call, 11 Nov 2009

Hi group,

Due to an unexpected crisis (at work) on the Chairs' end, I regret to  
announce today's IG call is hereby cancelled. Sorry for any  

Next call will take place on 25 Nov with the agenda already compiled  
and sent below. Additions and suggestions are always welcome anyway.

Cheers and apologies again,

ps: I hope those in the US (maybe somewhere else, too) will appreciate  
the extra free time on this holiday ;)

El 10/11/2009, a las 9:34, Sheridan, John escribió:

> Agenda, eGov IG Call, 11 Nov 2009
> 13:00Z (9:00EST, 14:00GMT, 15:00CET)
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Chair: John
> 1. Scribe
> 2. Agenda adjustments and next meetings [2mins]
> + next meeting [25 Nov 2009]
> + next scribe
> 3. Open Actions [10min]
> 4. What's going on / coming up [30mins]
> + TPAC 2009
> + ISWC
> + Open Knowledge Foundation event [13 Nov 2009, London]
> + Jurix Conference
> 5. Discussion: Government Linked Data, Techniques and Technologies  
> [45mins]
> + how does linked data support (non-RDF) data consumers?
> + strategies for modelling government data
> + essential metadata for Government Linked Open Data (eg VoiD)
> + expressing rights and licensing information
> + approaches to provenance, authority and trust
> + using RDF for Statistical Data
> Who can participate:
> How to participate:
> Notes,
> On the last group call five areas were discussed, as being the main  
> work areas for the group over this year:
> - Government Linked Data, Techniques and Technologies
> - Government Linked Data, Strategies and Success Stories
> - Best Practices for using Web Technologies to Deliver Government  
> Services
> - Best Practices for Long-Term Government Data Management Issues
> - Best Practices in Government Use of Social Media
> We agreed we would pick up on one each of these over the next set of  
> group calls. This call will be addressing the first of these topics,  
> “Techniques and Technologies for Government Linked Data”.
> Please don't print this e-mail unless you really need to.
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Received on Wednesday, 11 November 2009 12:06:17 UTC