Updated: Open Data is Civic Capital: Best Practices for "Open Government Data"

After receiving some feedback and also after witnessing a lot of 
interesting developments in the last two months, I revised the monograph 
I first posted in May on open gov data. This movement seems to be 
picking up steam so rapidly that I'm wondering whether the document will 
make it a few more months without being obsolete because everyone 
(including governments) will all already be on the open gov data 

It is-

Open Data is Civic Capital: Best Practices for "Open Government Data"

The changes in this update include new references to:

     * Association of Government Accountants Annual CFO survey which has 
several very relevant and compatible principles/recommendations,
     * TBL's Putting Government Data Online on the Linked Open Data Approach
     * Australia's Digital Economy: Future Directions on new tools using 
open government data in that country,
     * Citability.org on permanent web addresses and versioning,
     * Lovley 2009 (Politico article) on new uses of government data,
     * Google recommendations on sitemaps and robots.txt,
     * Mayo & Steinberg 2007 on the value of PSI in the UK and how PSI 
can reduce the need for regulation,
     * OpenRegs.com as an example of reuse of government data,
     * Tauberer 2009 on the semantic web,
     * Zetter 2009 (Wired article) on bulk data in Congress,
     * developments and existing data websites in Baltimore, Maryland, 
New York State, NYC, and San Francisco.

And other changes:

     * The relevance of the Open Knowledge Definition has been rewritten.
     * To the principles, added notes about marginal cost of 
distribution, an explanation for why timeliness is a part of the 
principles, some recommended data formats, reworking the license-free 
part to be relevant to countries with crown copyright (thanks to RP), 
and notes about using GUIDs and URIs as stable identifiers.

- Josh Tauberer
- GovTrack.us


"Yields falsehood when preceded by its quotation!  Yields
falsehood when preceded by its quotation!" Achilles to
Tortoise (in "Godel, Escher, Bach" by Douglas Hofstadter)

Received on Monday, 20 July 2009 11:57:54 UTC