Daniel, per discussion on the eGov IG telecon this morning with reference to
the need for additional input for the "preserve" section of the data.gov.*
<http://www.w3.org/2007/eGov/IG/wiki/Data-gov-memo> memo, here are the
points made by Michael Sperberg-McQueen in his recent presentation
<http://www.blackmesatech.com/2009/07/messages/> at the Balisage conference
<http://www.balisage.net/2009/Program.html> :
. Plan for deposit, not just dissemination. It does take time. And
. Say what you mean; mean what you say.
. Make sure the recipient can find the message.
. Make sure the recipient can know what the message is about.
. Use long-lived media.
. Arrange for institutional support of preservation tasks.
. Document character set and numeric formats.
. Document higher-level formats.
Preserving semantics
. Think about what you wish to say.
. Design the vocabulary (the format) carefully, to make instances
easy to understand.
. Document the vocabulary and your usage.
. Avoid (undocumented) tag abuse.
. Provide and document ancillary materials.
. Validate early and often.
. Verify early and often.
Owen Ambur
Co-Chair Emeritus, xmlCoP <http://xml.gov/index.asp>
Co-Chair, AIIM StratML <http://xml.gov/stratml/index.htm> Committee
Member, AIIM iECM Committee
Invited Expert, W3C eGov <http://www.w3.org/2007/eGov/IG/> IG
Communications/Membership Director, FIRM Board
Former Project Manager, ET.gov <http://et.gov/>
Brief Bio <http://ambur.net/bio.htm>