Re: canceling 17 Sept. call; next one on 1 Oct.

Hi Rick,

El 16/09/2008, a las 2:55, escribió:
> Jose & All, although I sense the same condition that Owen has  
> identified, I don't support Owen's suggestion to restrict the group  
> activities.

Not sure if it's restricting them what it'll help but we definitely  
need to help with some concrete things asap and clear roadmap in order  
not to loose focus.

> We (GSA) for one haven't had much voice yet, but we'll make a useful  
> contribution towards each of the activities as they shape up. Our  
> representation of the FEA Reference Models in OWL-DL is a good place  
> to start and there's more to come, ontologies, white papers, open  
> source projects and an FEA run-time environment in RDF, etc ...

Hmmm... GSA is not represented in the Group yet (I hope it'll be soon  
though), just an individual called Rick Murphy... :)

This is very interesting stuff but... how do you envision it will fit  
with the charter?
I think that probably the most useful way would be in showing others  
the way and the lessons learned, benefits and issues found.

> Based on my observations of the group so far, I'd also suggest W3C  
> start thinking about getting some face-time with the CIO Council's  
> Architecture and Infrastructure Committee (AIC) and Kshmendra Paul  
> from OMB. This level of engagement should help shepherd the group's  
> working activities to a more relevant outcome for the U.S. anyway.  
> OMG has been working a pretty effective strategy with OMB over the  
> past few years and I'd suggest W3C step up with an equivalent  
> presence as a standards organization.
> Who from W3C is local and can get plugged in ?

Adding this to T&S agenda. Will get back to you about it soon.

Thanks much,


> Best wishes,
> Rick
> office: 202-501-9199
> cell: 202-557-1604
> wrote: -----
> To:
> From: "Owen Ambur" <>
> Sent by:
> Date: 09/15/2008 01:13PM
> Subject: RE: canceling 17 Sept. call; next one on 1 Oct.
> Jose, I'm beginning to get the sense the eGov IG may be foundering,  
> perhaps
> because the scope of the Group Outline may be too large.
> My suggestion would be to include *only* those objectives for which  
> at least
> one person has indicated willingness and ability to complete the  
> required
> tasks.
> Regarding standards, I'd suggest that we start with the U.S. Federal
> Enterprise Architecture (FEA) Technical Reference Model (TRM) and  
> identify
> W3C Recommendations as well as OASIS standards that are not in the  
> TRM but
> should be.  See &
> &
> I would describe the intended result as a strategic plan for
> interoperability, and if the IG decides to take on this task, I am  
> more than
> willing and able to:
> a) assist in identifying standards missing from the TRM,
> b) document the results in StratML format, and
> c) on behalf of the IG, use the site/process to propose  
> inclusion of
> the identified standards in the TRM.
> Owen Ambur
> Co-Chair Emeritus, xmlCoP
> Co-Chair, AIIM StratML Committee
> Member, AIIM iECM Committee
> Participant, W3C eGov IG
> Membership Director, FIRM Board
> Former Project Manager,
> -----Original Message-----
> From: [ 
> ]
> On Behalf Of Jose M. Alonso
> Sent: Monday, September 15, 2008 12:10 PM
> To:
> Subject: canceling 17 Sept. call; next one on 1 Oct.
> Dear Group,
> Given the number of regrets we got so far, including both of your
> Chairs, we are sorry to announce the cancelation of the call scheduled
> for next Wednesday, 17 Sept.
> Next Group call should take place on 1 October.
> We haven't heard many comments yet about the Group Outline and
> Activity Plan we proposed a few days ago, and expect you to comment
> about them in the mailing list.
> We also request again topics for the Agenda that is evolving as usual
> at [1] or for the F2F meeting that will take place 23-24 October. I've
> just started a wiki page at [2]. If you are planning to attend, please
> register at [3].
> Best,
> Jose.
> [1]
> [2]
> [3]
> --
> Jose M. Alonso <>    W3C/CTIC
> eGovernment Lead        

Received on Friday, 19 September 2008 17:32:48 UTC