[minutes] eGovernment Interest Group - Chairs Call, 8 Oct 2008


The minutes are available at:

an as text below.

Next Group call will take place next Wednesday, 15 Oct, at 13:00Z. The  
agenda is evolving as usual at:



eGovernment IG Chairs + TF Call
08 Oct 2008

    See also: [2]IRC log

       [2] http://www.w3.org/2008/10/08-egov-irc


           Josema, John Sheridan, Kevin Novak, Oscar Azaņon

           john, kevin



      * [3]Topics
      * [4]Summary of Action Items

    <trackbot> Date: 08 October 2008

    <scribe> scribe: josema

    [some talk about previous Group call and some frustration]

    john: I believe we need to define very clearly a number of small
    ... in advance of the F2F
    ... and build something from the week before until the week after

    kevin: tried this with the use cases back around July
    ... didn't seem to work despite a couple were uploaded
    ... then some discussion about micromanaging people or not
    ... some seem to prefer, some not

    john: we might want to be a bit more prescriptive at least
    ... for the days around the F2F

    kevin: sometimes is difficult to do that on the phone
    ... let's take advantage of the F2F

    john: in any case, next Group call we should review the use cases
    ... we have and let people refine them or add before F2F for one
    ... then discuss at the F2F, building it around the use cases
    ... shaping them and come up with the real set we want to solve
    ... see a week after if we are missing any important

    kevin: if we could do that, I'd be satisfied

    john: we could say that if you don't have a case you need to produce

    use cases so far: [5]http://www.w3.org/2007/eGov/IG/wiki/Use_Cases]

       [5] http://www.w3.org/2007/eGov/IG/wiki/Use_Cases

    jose: we tried use cases before, did not work
    ... if we do it this time, should be much more specific tasks
    ... agree with John's view here

    john: it does not have very deep, but individuals should leave
    ... with a clear idea on what to work


       [6] http://www.w3.org/2007/eGov/IG/wiki/Inventory

    jose: how to start the list?

    kevin: let's do it by email

    jose: what about reviewing WebArch?


       [7] http://www.w3.org/TR/webarch/

    scribe: eg. persistence of URIs

    john: also a problem of accountability in several cases
    ... besides the WebArch
    ... I could write that one

    jose: please, do
    ... .talk about agenda for next Group call and F2F?

    john: yes, next call let's focus on get specific tasks
    ... list of areas for use cases by email
    ... we should have it by Monday

    kevin: it's likely I could not make it to the F2F
    ... prefer to defer to you how to build the structure

    john: would like to have two rounds at the F2F
    ... first day list and review cases
    ... second: go through them again
    ... taking what we have learned on day 1 and take it to the next
    ... around themes

    oscar: we might need to outline the document during the F2F

    jose: editing at W3C is a science on its own ;)

    john: if we can setup the main themes by the next call
    ... that should give us the basic outline of the document
    ... also structure of our F2F two days
    ... we should not underestimate the amount of work to coordinate
    ... the various contributions
    ... but key is structure

    jose: SEMIC.EU is sending a rep, discussed about presentation

    john: could be interested, could bring a theme to our discussion
    ... and maybe some use cases
    ... if he wants to speak is fine
    ... also IDABC summary

    jose: I could do 5 minutes on that


       [8] http://www.w3.org/2007/eGov/IG/wiki/TPAC2008

    -> [9]http://www.w3.org/2008/10/TPAC/AC-Agenda AC Agenda

       [9] http://www.w3.org/2008/10/TPAC/AC-Agenda

    ACTION kevin to discuss themes by email by Monday

    <trackbot> Created ACTION-10 - Discuss themes by email by Monday [on
    Kevin Novak - due 2008-10-15].

    ACTION john to discuss themes by email by Monday

    <trackbot> Sorry, amibiguous username (more than one match) - john

    <trackbot> Try using a different identifier, such as family name or
    username (eg. jwonderl, jsherida)

    ACTION jsherida to discuss themes by email by Monday

    <trackbot> Created ACTION-11 - Discuss themes by email by Monday [on
    John Sheridan - due 2008-10-15].

    [John to start discussion]


Summary of Action Items

    ACTION-10 - Discuss themes by email by Monday [on Kevin Novak - due

    ACTION-11 - Discuss themes by email by Monday [on John Sheridan -
    due 2008-10-15].

    [End of minutes]

     Minutes formatted by David Booth's [10]scribe.perl version 1.133
     ([11]CVS log)
     $Date: 2008/10/10 07:13:04 $

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      [11] http://dev.w3.org/cvsweb/2002/scribe/

Received on Friday, 10 October 2008 08:29:45 UTC