[agenda] eGov IG call, 26 Nov 2008, 14:00Z

Dear Group participants,

Very similar to last one. We need to review open actions more in  
detail this time and see how use cases are evolving.

1. Appoint a scribe
2. Convene, agenda adjustments
3. Updated Activity Plan and Milestones
4. Open actions
5. Review of evolution of use cases
6. Next Meeting - proposed next call: 24 Nov.

Remember, teleconferences how-to:

Sorry for being a bit late; have low time available here. I hope I'll  
be able to join the call (may be a bit noisy and muted most of the  
time), likely not to scribe.


Jose M. Alonso <josema@w3.org>    W3C/CTIC
eGovernment Lead                  http://www.w3.org/2007/eGov/

Received on Tuesday, 25 November 2008 18:31:49 UTC