[minutes] eGov IG Chairs call -- 19 Nov 2008


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Also as text below.

-- Jose


       [1] http://www.w3.org/

eGovernment Interest Group -- Chairs Teleconference
19 Nov 2008

    See also: [2]IRC log

       [2] http://www.w3.org/2008/11/19-egov-irc


           john, oscar, +kevin

           john, kevin



      * [3]Topics
      * [4]Summary of Action Items

     [on show us a better way competition]


       [5] http://www.guardian.co.uk/technology/blog/2008/nov/12/ordnance-survey-google-maps-copyright

    <john> also [6]http://www.freeourdata.org.uk/blog/index.php

       [6] http://www.freeourdata.org.uk/blog/index.php

    <john> competition winners:
    e.html (not for minutes)

       [7] http://www.showusabetterway.co.uk/call/2008/11/and-the-winners-are.html


       [8] http://www.w3.org/2007/eGov/IG/wiki/Use_Cases

    [some talking about the Group Note]

    [jose suggests the structure to be captured from existing stuff]

    john: idea looks good to me

    kevin: rough outline should serve as basis for document
    ... matter of compiling the information in these terms


       [9] http://www.w3.org/2007/eGov/IG/wiki/GroupOutline

    josema: ok, I can take care that

    ACTION josema to draft document outline based on existing stuff

    <trackbot> Created ACTION-37 - Draft document outline based on
    existing stuff [on José Manuel Alonso - due 2008-11-26].

    ACTION kevin to update Activity Plan

    <trackbot> Created ACTION-38 - Update Activity Plan [on Kevin Novak
    - due 2008-11-26].

    josema: what else?

    kevin: status of IG
    ... Chris expects his TF to have something to report on the next
    Group call

    oscar: no interest expressed to me in order to develop any of my TF
    related use cases

    kevin: I haven't seen any response from Ari to the email I sent last
    week to TF coordinators asking for updates

    josema: have you decided on any of the proposals I sent before the
    previous call?
    ... just do use cases or try to come up with BPs, too?

    [kevin reviews Activity Plan aloud]


      [10] http://www.w3.org/2007/eGov/IG/wiki/ActivityPlan

    kevin: trying to produce more than the use cases stuff from here to
    the summer looks difficult

    john: agree

    kevin: we need to be successful in a timely fashion, lots of
    exciting stuff going on here in the US

    john: reality check is that we need to get the use cases out

    josema: would you like to discuss about dates?

    john: yes

    kevin: yes

    [about moratoria in Dec:

      [11] http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Member/chairs/2008AprJun/0066

    josema: what about having an editor's draft in 2-3 weeks from now?

    john: having he Group draft published in mid-December or
    mid-January, does not make a difference to me
    ... it would be useful for me that once we have the structure to
    have it shared, even if it has lots of gaps

    <john> whatever is easy, is fine by me

    <john> I'm going to need to go in 3 mins...

    ACTION josema to go around and ask people outside the Group to send
    use cases

    <trackbot> Created ACTION-39 - Go around and ask people outside the
    Group to send use cases [on José Manuel Alonso - due 2008-11-26].

    oscar: let's start asking people in the Group to participate at
    least in one use case

    kevin: +1

    john: +1


Summary of Action Items

    ACTION-37 - Draft document outline based on existing stuff [on José
    Manuel Alonso - due 2008-11-26].

    ACTION-38 - Update Activity Plan [on Kevin Novak - due 2008-11-26].

    [End of minutes]

     Minutes formatted by David Booth's [12]scribe.perl version 1.133
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     $Date: 2008/11/21 19:45:43 $

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Received on Friday, 21 November 2008 19:48:23 UTC