RE: Office of the President-Elect


I couldn't agree more. I do think that although there are good examples in the US, there are indeed still challenges even here that need to be addressed, including a revised definition and focus on egov.

I will check out your blog post.


Kevin Novak
Vice President, Integrated Web Strategy and Technology
The American Institute of Architects
1735 New York Avenue, NW
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-----Original Message-----
From: [] 
Sent: Tuesday, November 11, 2008 12:21 PM
To: Novak, Kevin
Cc: Owen Ambur; eGov IG;
Subject: RE: Office of the President-Elect

Couldn't agree more with Kevin.  A key issue related to what you are saying
Kevin, is the need to broaden what we understand by e-government.  The most
obvious area for application of technology is public services, but there are
other areas, also related to the public sector, and to governance, generally
that are also in need of attention.  Perhaps in the US with a strong civil
society and grass roots organizations such as Sunlight Foundation - this is less
of an issue.  However in most of the world, you also need to pay attention to
how technology can help democracy, democratic processes and institutions,
fundamental human rights, the rule of law and independence of the judiciary,
effective, just and honest government, openness, participation/ inclusiveness,
accountability, and effectiveness

I've written a bit more about this on my guest blog on the World Bank Governance
Matters blog managed by Daniel Kaufmann=>


Tanya Gupta
Public Sector
Latin America and the Caribbean Region
World Bank
202-458-8252 (phone)
202-614-0866 (fax)

             "Novak, Kevin"                                                     
             >                                                               To 
             Sent by:                    "Owen Ambur" <>, 
             public-egov-ig-requ         "eGov IG" <>      
             11/10/2008 01:18 PM         RE: Office of the President-Elect      


It at the present time is indeed a laundry list but a list that we can cross
walk to our efforts and tasks ahead. I think there is a great opportunity from a
US perspective to match our efforts with the goals of the Obama administration.

EGOV in the US has foundered for some time and been subject to the bureaucracy
and priorities of the current administration. Many gains have been made but as
we all know, there is far more that needs to be done in order to move the egov
agenda forward and ensure the citizens are benefiting in getting the services
and information they need.

The Obama campaign can be used as a good example for how to engage many in the
processes and day to day work of the government. My hope is that the
Administration is able to move what they have learned and incorporate into their
direction forward.

I don't think there has been a better opportunity for egov in America. The
administration that will be moving in understands how to leverage technology and
the web to achieve their goals.

I had noted some time ago the importance of mobile technologies and flexible and
compatible interfaces and data. The use of services and technologies ie
Facebook, Twitter, Linked-In and more proves that there is an audience and a
user base for government information via those platforms and technologies.
Platforms and technologies that we need to incorporate into our next year once
we move beyond the current list of use cases and the year end issue paper.

My two cents. I truly believe that it is an exciting time and opportunity for
electronic government in the US. A time that I believe will allow us to make
great strides, create lessons learned, and best practices that the entire egov
community can benefit from.




From: on behalf of Owen Ambur
Sent: Mon 11/10/2008 11:26 AM
To: 'eGov IG'
Subject: RE: Office of the President-Elect

Robin, thanks for the heads-up.  I got about half-way through converting the
agenda to StratML format and had planned to finish the rest as soon as
possible.  However, the detailed agenda has been taken down, at least
temporarily, and replaced with a short statement at

Some but not all of its substance seems to be available at and perhaps all
of it might be at

See especially

>From my perspective, this is another case study in the need for use of a
standard like StratML, for the purposes outlined at

Owen Ambur
Co-Chair Emeritus, xmlCoP
Co-Chair, AIIM StratML Committee
Member, AIIM iECM Committee
Invited Expert, W3C eGov IG
Membership Director, FIRM Board
Former Project Manager,

-----Original Message-----
From: []
On Behalf Of Robin Berjon
Sent: Friday, November 07, 2008 1:19 PM
To: eGov IG
Subject: Office of the President-Elect


it's a laundry list at this point, but it's still nice to see the
quick production of a website, and there are items in said laundry
list that affect eGov:

Robin Berjon -
     Feel like hiring me? Go to

Received on Wednesday, 12 November 2008 15:45:43 UTC