conference call

Jose,I have the flu and will not be able to attend the call this afternoon.



-----Original Message-----
From:	Jose M. Alonso []
Sent:	Tue 11-11-2008 18:16
To:	Kjetil Kjernsmo
Cc:	eGov IG; Steinar Skagemo; Kjetil Helberg; John Sheridan; Kevin Novak
Subject:	use cases and how to contribute -- Re: Semantic MyPage Use Case

Hi Kjetil, Steinar and Kjetil (again :)

Thanks very much for contributing this one. I've only skim read it but  
looks very interesting.

This made me think of a current limitation we have. We can only  
acknowledge contributions of people in the Group and I beliee we  
should change this to be more flexible. Here's an idea.

Are you familiar with SWEO?

See the use cases they've been compiling at:

We could use a two step process. Wiki for drafting use cases and  
compilation of ideas, etc. then publish them at eg.

This would let us ack people properly and people to retain copyright  
of the submitted use case as needed, granting a free use license, so  
to say.

If we do it this way, it'll be an constantly updated compilation of  
use cases rather than a few published in a Note. We might want to  
rethink what to put in the Note though.

Just an idea and asking for comments. I propose and agenda+ about this  
for the call tomorrow.

-- Jose.

El 11/11/2008, a las 17:30, Kjetil Kjernsmo escribió:
> All,
> In fulfilment of ACTION-13, I have now submitted a "Semantic MyPage"  
> use case.
> This was written by Steinar Skagemo and Kjetil Helberg, to whom I'm  
> thankful
> for such an interesting use case.
> This is the URL of the use case:
> As everyone's time is too scarce, the submitted use case doesn't  
> quite conform
> to the template, but since I felt it was somewhat urgent to get a  
> submission,
> I figured it was better to submit a beta, and massage it into shape  
> later if
> required, rather than having no submission at all.
> Kind regards
> Kjetil Kjernsmo
> -- 
> Senior Knowledge Engineer
> Mobile: +47 986 48 234
> Email:
> Web:
> Computas AS  PO Box 482, N-1327 Lysaker | Phone:+47 6783 1000 | Fax: 
> +47 6783
> 1001

Received on Wednesday, 12 November 2008 12:12:03 UTC