RE: Citizen generated information: Norway's "eCitizen 2.0"

Great report, John.  Thanks for forwarding it.  Here are some quick


1)      With reference to the conceptualization of types of "user-generated
content" (UGC), it would be good to distinguish two types of "text":

a.       free-flowing, and 

b.      structured, e.g., conforming to an XML schema. (p. 15)

2)      With respect to "platforms" for UGC, in fact they do impose
structures on UGC, albeit in non-standard and, thus, non-readily shareable
formats. (p. 16)

3)      The three actions required of the public sector (p. 46) would
provide good use cases for the eGov IG:

a.       Promote common and/or standard publishing solutions for
public-sector data, at state and local authority level.

b.    Develop good descriptive and structured metadata that cut across
public body boundaries, capable of promoting openness and access to
public-sector information.

c.    Provide access to effective tools for downloading metadata and large
datasets for other people (e.g. eGovgeeks).

4)    With respect to the conflict dimensions, it is noteworthy that the
possibility of more information is juxtaposed against the challenge of poor
quality. (p. 48)  However, the challenge of managing, maintaining, and
ensuring access to high-quality records on an ongoing basis is not noted.


With reference to 3.a, I dislike the term "solution" because vendors have
used it to sell products and services that neither they nor their customers
fully understand, which more often than not means proprietary stovepipe
systems.  (The term can be interpreted to mean whatever one wishes it to
mean.)  However, I do hope, for example, that government agencies worldwide
will come to be expected by their citizen stakeholders to publish and
maintain their strategic plans on the Web in StratML format.


The requirement identified in 3.b is the essence of the purpose of the draft
XML schema for the U.S. Federal Enterprise Architecture (FEA) Data Reference
Model (DRM):
Finalizing and implementing that schema to describe government datasets
would serve the requirement identified in 3.c.


BTW, the strategic plan of the Research Council of Norway is available in
StratML format at or, more

I don't see a strategic plan on the RECORD Project site:  If they have one, I'd like to
include it in the StratML collection as well.


Owen Ambur

Co-Chair Emeritus,  <> xmlCoP  

Co-Chair, AIIM  <> StratML Committee

Member, AIIM  <> iECM

Invited Expert, W3C  <> eGov IG

Membership Director,  <> FIRM Board  

Former Project Manager,  <> 

 <> Brief Bio 



From: []
On Behalf Of Sheridan, John
Sent: Sunday, December 07, 2008 10:37 AM
Subject: Citizen generated information: Norway's "eCitizen 2.0"



This report looks at the relevance of citizen generated information to the
Norwegian government. It is interesting on two counts, firstly that the
Norwegian government undertook this piece of work (is there a trend of
government's commissioning reports into social media?), and secondly, both
the similarity and differences with the issues when one relates them
particularly to Norway.

My thanks to Tom Steinberg for forwarding me this link, which I merely pass
on here.

John Sheridan

Head of e-Services
Office of Public Sector Information
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