What should be the reaction to clicking in a user-select:none element

Following up on this github issue[1], the CSS Working Group was recently discussing
what should be the effect of clicking in a user-select:none element when something else was previously selected, and would like the feedback of the Editing Task force.

As far as we can tell, the following 3 behaviors exist:
 - do nothing (Firefox)
 - unselect what was selected (and fire the associated events) (Edge)
 - do nothing if the user only clicks, but unselect what was selected (and fire the associated events) if they drag (Chrome / Safari)

Browser vendors in the CSS WG would like to harmonize their behavior, but we wanted feedback from the editing task force about what you think is best. In particular, the opinion of js-based editors seems relevant.

 - Florian
[1] https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/319

Received on Monday, 12 September 2016 05:27:45 UTC