Re: F2F meting Warsaw, dates

On 04/06/2015 10:58 , Johannes Wilm wrote:
> However, not everyone is able to make it during those dates either. Tow
> other options have been mentioned: before or after the Paris CSSWG
> meeting in Paris or at TPAC in Hokkaido, Japan.
>   I will be present at both, but in my capacity as Vivliostyle
> representative, not as the Invited Expert of in the Editing task force.
> I would have to hear with Vivliostyle whether it would be OK for me to
> spend time on this at TPAC.
> I would suggest we keep the Warsaw date, and those who cannot attend can
> both call in, chat via IRC or transmit their input before the meeting.

FWIW, if there's interest I might be able to find some space in Paris. 
It would likely not be free, but we could look into getting it sponsored.

Robin Berjon - - @robinberjon

Received on Thursday, 4 June 2015 09:18:27 UTC