Welcome Consensus System LLC

Hello everyone,

We haven't taken advantage of this group's  mailing list for quite some 
time now. In last two years together with Lynn Foster, Bob Haugen and 
few other contributors we've been semi-regularly working on ValueFlows 
ontology https://www.valueflo.ws/ using various github repositories 

I have just received notification of representatives of Consensus System 
LLC joining this CG, I would like to take it as an opportunity to 
welcome them and attempt once again to broaden the collaboration. 
Recently I have seen slides from someone related to Consensus which I've 
found super relevant to the work I wish happen here and what we have put 
as one of requirements for ValueFlows.

In slide 
we find "Imagine a day, in a year or two, when Alice can trade her kWh 
Tokens and Potato Tokens for Bob's Apple Tokens on the EtherEx exchange 
based on based on ubiquitously available exchange rates".

With ValueFlows we have put a lot of attention to make exchanges 
(including multi-party exchanges) symmetric, so while one can use in 
exchanges any kind of currency / token, one can also barter without any 
tokes but by making economic commitments directly. We also have focused 
on supporting both products and services the same way in such 

I would like to encourage everyone who has been working on such 
interesting economic scenarios like the one in a slide I have linked 
above to share more information about their work. Myself I will talk 
with Lynn and Bob to prepare a concise overview of work we've done on 
ValueFlows and share it here, meanwhile everyone can feel invited to 
take a look at https://www.valueflo.ws/

Once again, warm welcome to participants representing Consensus System 
LLC, I really look forward to learn mor about your work related to the 
slide I linked to. Especially your experience with modeling services as 
well as products.

elf Pavlik

Received on Saturday, 21 July 2018 15:33:07 UTC