Add todo test outcome

Dear all,

The Solid specification test harness is using EARL for the reports, and I 
noticed we lack a predicate for tests are should be executed, but the 
outcome should not count towards the pass or fail counts. It is very useful 
to have such an outcome when developing things. In particular, we could use 
it to record when a server responds with 501 Not Implemented.

In fact, such an outcome is part of the Test Anything Protocol, where it is 
known as TODO tests:
Even though we're not using TAP anymore, I note that TAP is used in 30+ 
languages for tests. To be able to record TAP output fully would be great. 
In fact, I once started a rough implementation to do it that:

I realize that EARL is not actively maintained anymore, and so the chances 
to get a test outcome (e.g. a predicate earl:todo) is slim, but if some 
opportunity should arise, I would love to see this go in. :-)



Received on Monday, 26 July 2021 16:21:48 UTC