RE: Missing HTTP status code from RFC6585

Hi Shadi,

OK, I was wondering about that as the WG note is dated 2 February 2017.

I am considering this on behalf of the Dutch Kadaster (land registry).
The intent is to use "Problem Details for HTTP APIs" [RFC7807] to describe error responses from the APIs.
The use case we are looking at is to provide human- and machine-readable documentation when dereferencing the "type" URI for problem types in a problem detail JSON document. 
That might be a HTML page with some embedded structured data (e.g. JSON-LD or RDFa), or a resource that supports conneg.
One of the pieces of data would be the HTTP status code, which it makes sense to think of as a resource rather than just the 3-digit code.
Rather than mint new URIs for the HTTP status codes, we're thinking to refer to those URIs already defined in [1].

Although we are not considering it at this stage, it may also make sense to describe the "instance" of a specific problem occurrence using the HTTP Vocabulary.
Given a suitable JSON-LD context/frame, it should yield something vaguely developer-friendly.



-----Original Message-----
From: Shadi Abou-Zahra [] 
Sent: Tuesday, July 18, 2017 4:27 PM
To: John Walker <>;
Subject: Re: Missing HTTP status code from RFC6585

Hi John,

Unfortunately EARL is currently not being actively maintained.

If you're comfortable sharing, possibly also off list, would you let us know more about your uses for this vocabulary? Are there other parts of the EARL family of specs that you use?

Here is more about EARL, in case you have been using this spec only:


On 18/07/2017 15:33, John Walker wrote:
> Hi,
> The RDF data in is missing the HTTP status codes 428, 429, 431 and 511 as defined by [RFC6585].
> Is it possible to add these?
> John
> [RFC6585]

Shadi Abou-Zahra - Accessibility Strategy and Technology Specialist Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI) World Wide Web Consortium (W3C)

Received on Tuesday, 18 July 2017 15:16:28 UTC