Bugs in HTTP Vocabulary

To whom it may concern,

I noticed some bugs in the HTTP Vocabulary and associated RDF data:

  *   http:statusCodeNumber has rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty, yet has rdfs:range xsd:int - this is inconsistent, the rdf:type should be changed to owl:DatatypeProperty
  *   http:statusCodeValue has rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty, yet has rdfs:range rdfs:Literal - this is inconsistent, the rdf:type should be changed to owl:DatatypeProperty
  *   the rdfs:range of http:statusCodeNumber property is xsd:int, yet the instances of http:StatusCode defined in http://www.w3.org/2011/http-statusCodes do not have a datatype defined on the literal values of this property, therefore are xsd:string according to RDF 1.1 - these literals should be explicitly typed as xsd:int, or the rdfs:range changed to rdfs:Literal (same as used for http:statusCodeValue)



Received on Tuesday, 18 July 2017 13:09:47 UTC