Times for profiles telecons

Sorry for the delay here - I was hoping for some more information about
agenda items for profiles discussions as there is no time slot that seems
it's going to work well.

The key new input expected is from the RDF* working group so this limits
somewhat the possible times that can be made to work.

The best option after the clocks have changed seems to be 1pm Tuesday -
this is an awkward time for me however - i could make it once a month

If I hear no further input I plan to schedule the first meeting of the new
regime on Tuesday 11th April.

Rob Atkinson
*Senior Research Engineer * | Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC)
Mobile: +61 419 202973
ratkinson@ogc.org | ogc.org | @opengeospatial

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Received on Monday, 3 April 2023 07:07:17 UTC