DWXG Plenary Meeting - July 12

Dear colleagues,

I apologize for not sending the agenda for today's meeting before.
Hopefully you received the W3C Calendar update that Pierre-Antoine and I
sent last week.

Here is the link for DWXG Plenary Meeting on July 12

Hope to see you soon!

Kind regards,
Caroline & Peter

Em qua., 22 de jun. de 2022 às 17:40, Caroline Burle <carolburlesg@gmail.com>

> Dear colleagues,
> The next DXWG Plenary Meeting will be on July 12 and then we will have a
> break until September.
> The first Plenary Meeting after the group vacation will be on September 13.
> Hope to see you then!
> Kind regards,
> Caroline & Peter

Caroline Burle
11 976224357

Received on Tuesday, 12 July 2022 20:22:06 UTC