Re: [dxwg] dcterms:hasPart in the context of nested Catalogs (#1454)

@andreasgeissner said:

> Thanks for the detailed response, @andrea-perego . I had typed but not yet proofread a lengthy text to clarify my concern (which is copied below in case you need information out of it for the new issue), but Issue is exactly the solution i imagined. Thanks again!

If I'm not mistaken, the two main points you raise concern:
1. `dcterms:hasPart` vs `dcat:catalog`
2. `dcterms:hasPart` vs `dcterms:isPartOf`

About point (1), `dcterms:hasPart` and `dcat:catalog` have different semantics, as said in . In particular, `dcat:catalog` (as well as `dcat:dataset` and `dcat:service`) is meant to link a set (`dcat:Catalog`) to one of its elements (another `dcat:Catalog`). Therefore, it cannot be used to link nested catalogues, whereas `dcterms:hasPart` can be used for that purpose.

BTW, you can find existing examples of this use in DCAT-AP and DCAT-AP-JRC - e.g.:

About point (2), `dcterms:hasPart` is included in DCAT because the direction of its sub-properties is from a catalogue to the listed resources. However, `dcterms:isPartOf` can also be used in addition to (but not to replace) `dcterms:hasPart` - about this, see [ยง7. Use of inverse properties](

In case you have reasons to think it should be the other way round, I suggest you contribute them to

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