Re: [dxwg] dcterms:hasPart in the context of nested Catalogs (#1454)

Thank you very much!

I’ll try my best to explain. Please let me know if it’s insufficient or still not clear enough.

In general, the category order would be
Community -> subcommunity -> subsubcommunity -> …-> collection

We are looking at research data from a university with a broad subject scope. The further we move up the tree, the more dissimilar the items would get. We plan to share our platform with other universities, so a community would be everything from one university (the top level dcat:Catalog). A subcommunity might be a department, for example social sciences, mathematics, chemistry, or mechanical engineering. A subsubcommunity might, for chemistry, represent the institutes of inorganic, organic, or analytical chemistry. The next level might be research groups, projects, etc. depending on how the institute and their part of the repository is organized.

Thus, I can’t provide a general pattern of similarity. But I can provide some more details with real life examples. Maybe this will help.

Collections might, for example, include a number of items that contain all data published in connection with a PhD thesis or all data published by a small research group or similar. Each item would have Dublin core style metadata and one or more files attached. These files might be tabular data, images, and audiovisual data, basically anything depending on what is used in the respective research area. So, for the DSpace item, we would have a dcat:Dataset with part datasets as “bag of files”.

For example, here is one collection that contains two items that are connected by originating from research funded by the same grant: 
Collection landing page: 
Item list:
XML “distribution”: 
(There are other distributions than Dublin Core, just as example)

This research was done at the Institute for Mechatronic Systems. It is listed together with datasets from other collections in the subsubcommunity representing research of that institute 
Landing page: 
Item list: 
XML “distribution”: 

The institute is part of the Department for Mechanical Engineering. So the items will be listed together with items from the other subsubcommunities (and their collections)
Landing page: 
Item list: 
XML “distribution”: 

At the top level, there is the Community for the whole university. This (most important) Catalog will show all items from all collections of any subcommunity.
Landing page: 
Item list: 
XML “distribution”: 

I was also thinking about making the connection between a higher level Catalog and the lower level ones by saying that the higher level Catalog contains via dcat:catalog the lower level Catalogs and via dcat:dataset all the items from the lower level Catalogs (similar to what is seen on the landing pages linked above). But this clashes with the item lists and XML distributions linked above.

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