Re: [dxwg] Model Series of Data as Distributions of a single Dataset (#1429)

I have to say I am very sceptical about allowing Distributions of a Dataset to be informatively non-equivalent, and on top of that, members of DatasetSeries.

In my experience, the prevailing argument for allowing informatively non-equivalent distributions of a dataset, also mentioned in this thread, is "there would be too many datasets". However, to be able to properly describe the distributions, which would now be informatively non-equivalent, one would have to use many of the properties now used for describing datasets also for distributions, as @makxdekkers also points out. This would again result in having many objects, only now it would not be Datasets in a Dataset series, but Distributions of datasets, described as datasets, in a dataset series. And this time, "there would be too many distributions". I do not see the advantage in that.

I think the potential number of datasets is actually not a problem. It is simply a manifestation of the state of things, and it is up to the user interfaces presenting the data to people to handle this, e.g. by grouping by topic, publisher, time, space, etc.

I may be wrong, but it always seemed to me that informatively non-equivalent distributions were an artifact of
1) the missing specification for a dataset series - the publishers were therefore using them to "group" related files or
2) publishers trying to avoid properly describing each file separately

But now that we have the dataset series, this situation should be model as a dataset series made of individual datasets, properly described, served in informatively equivalent distributions. Otherwise, there will be too many options to do the same thing, resulting in interoperability issues.

I may be wrong here, but I think I have not seen a case for informatively non-equivalent distributions that could not be solved by using informatively equivalent distributions of a dataset in a dataset series.

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