Re: [dxwg] Update summary diagram - (#1368)

> * The diagram includes terms from the qdcat namespace ( e.g. the last terms in the dataset class).  Probably I have missed the discussion on these terms,  but they are not mentioned in the rest of the document, Do they really need to be included in the diagram?
> * Terms from DQV have been included in the diagram. That seems to change the rule of thumb we followed in DCAT 2.  In DCAT2 we included only the normative terms in the diagram leaving out terms that haven't the normative status. Similarly,  we did not include DQV terms in the list of properties.  I wonder if, including them in the diagram, we want to change the "rule of thumb" for inclusion?

I've actually missed these terms when reviewing the diagram.

I think the diagram should indeed only include the terms described in Section 6. The terms with the qdcat prefix are new also to me.

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