Re: [dxwg] Values for dcterms:conformsTo of instances dcat:DataService (sparql endpoints, for example) (#1211)

The underlying issue is we (the wider world)  have a hole around generic description of conformance and specifications and relationship to data, and another one around direct vs. service orientated access to resources.  PROF helps but only handles two immediate needs around direct inheritance and qualified link to support annotation of resources that may be used to describe a specification.  

Specification models - description of types of conformance target - seem to be the key - how to separately describe a range of specifications in play, including but not limited to:
1) service API
2) implemented profile of service API
3) self-description interface (e.g. OpenAPI) for the service
4) query/parameterisation model
5) data model of parameters
6) data model(s) of returned data - again base+ profile viewpoints
7) encoding/formats
8) descriptive metadata attached to these various aspects.

Probably a good thing for DCAT to separate the concerns here and consider canonical properties for different aspects, or a qualified role mechanism.

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