Re: [dxwg] Following the recommendation to use dct:type prevents using SKOS-based reference datasets or standard rdf typing (#1362)

Tom, is there any chance that we did that on purpose? There are other 
properties that don't have a range (hasFormat, description, others). I 
don't recall where all of the discussion is and couldn't quickly find it 
on github. It would be great to know if we discussed it.


On 5/17/21 10:50 AM, tombaker via GitHub wrote:
> @kvistgaard @kcoyle @aisaac I find to my surprise that the range of 
> `dcterms:type` has ["gone missing" in the latest 
> release]( 
> - the only significant mistake I have found since its publication in 
> January 2020. I will look into this.

Karen Coyle

Received on Tuesday, 18 May 2021 16:26:34 UTC