Re: [dxwg] DCAT: Proposal for an updated definition for the concept “dataset” (#1195)

> > ```
> > * Note 5 to entry: Typically, the data in a dataset are related through a common topic.
> > 
> > * Note 6 to entry: Typically, the data in a dataset have the same syntactic structure.
> > 
> > * Note 7 to entry: Typically, the data in a dataset are managed using the same governance processes.
> > 
> > * Note 8 to entry: Typically, the data in a dataset have a shared data provenance.
> > ```
> @makxdekkers mentioned earlier, and I agree, that these seem too restrictive to include in the definition. Those interpretations are possible with the current DCAT vocabulary (considering datasets and distributions).

There seems to be a misunderstanding on the use of notes? The notes are not considered to be a part of the definition. As @aidig already wrote in

> The notes are meant to illustrate typical - but not defining - characteristics of datasets, and the related examples are thus presented as argumentation for why these typical characteristics should not form an integral part of the short formal definition as it quite rightly would be too restrictive. (Like the current definition could be perceived as stating excluding conditions)
> All the notes begin with "Typically..." and are to be considered supplementary comments to the definition.

See also e.g. section 2.3 in

> Definitions shall be as brief as possible. Carefully written definitions should contain only
> information required to place the concept correctly in the concept system. Any additional
> information or examples should be placed in a note. Such additional information
> could be, for example, the most important inessential characteristics or a list of typical
> objects included in the extension of the concept.

The proposal basically follows the formatting of ISO 10241-1, see also The notes would be "usage notes" using SKOS terms, as used in the DCAT documentation.

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