Re: [dxwg] Any other properties to mention in class dcat:DatasetSeries? (#1308)

> > Hm, it just occurred to me that next/previous has the same issue for developers as we encountered with membership in a series, that developers won't know in advance which one is being used to hold the chain together and so would have to test for both in code. Also, assigning next when a dataset is first published seems like a stretch, so we again run into the problem of updating the metadata after the fact. Yet, having next when it's available would certainly be useful. I sort of want to make previous required but both encouraged, or say you can't use next without also using previous.
> Thanks for the heads-up, @agreiner .
> As #1335, I think this relates to the more general discussion on the possible approach to be used in DCAT to define inverse properties - see #1336
> I'll create a separate issue to keep track of it, and link to it from the ED.

Done - see issue and PR (

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