Please confirm time of meeting:Re: 2021-04-06 DXWG Plenary

Hi Peter,

I wanted to ask about the time of this.  The agenda says 21:00 UTC but the minutes of the meeting on 23rd March resolved 20:00 UTC ( (Unless I'm not reading this correctly....)

Personally, I can do either but thought it worth checking so we are all on the same page...and arrive at the same time.

From: Pedro <>
Sent: 06 April 2021 13:26
To: Dataset Exchange Working Group <>; team-dxwg-chairs <>
Subject: 2021-04-06 DXWG Plenary

Dear Colleagues
With apologies for the delay, here is the agenda for the next DXWG plenary meeting:

The main topic is subgroup updates

Hoping you can attend

Kind regards

Peter & Caroline

Received on Tuesday, 6 April 2021 12:58:08 UTC