RE: Report from last DCAT meeting - plan for FPWD

Apologies for missing again. In this strange year I’m attending a lot of early and late telecons, and having a lot of clashes and also need to sleep-in some mornings.

From: Riccardo Albertoni <>
Sent: Thursday, 15 October, 2020 23:13
To: Dataset Exchange Working Group <>
Subject: Report from last DCAT meeting - plan for FPWD

Dear colleagues,
I want to draw your attention to a couple of decisions regarding the DCAT planning and publishing schedule we took during yesterday's meeting.

We set November 24th as an attempting deadline to deliver the DCAT 3 First Public Working Draft (FPWD) to the group.

We plan to focus on a restricted number of issues collected in the DCAT3 FPWD Milestone [1].  The milestone might adjust a little in the next few days (see action [2]).
If any of you likes to know more about the discussion and the considered context, you can refer to the meeting minutes [3].





Received on Thursday, 15 October 2020 23:07:47 UTC