DXWG Plenary 2020-11-17T21:00:00

Dear Colleagues

The next plenary meeting of the working group is 2020-11-17 at 21:00 UTC
The Chair of the meeting is still to be confirmed.

The draft agenda is published at

Please note the item relating to the patent policy - a decision needs to be

As a reminder of the issues, please re-visit the minutes of the last
meeting - https://www.w3.org/2020/11/03-dxwg-minutes

An extract of the key points:

We have a WG charter ( https://www.w3.org/2020/02/dx-wg-charter.html  )
regulating what we do. which links to the process doc - now 2020.
… It also links to the patent policy, which is what you agreed to when
joining the WG.
… W3C did a major update to the patent policy back in Sep, concerning
patent commitments.
… Now it says that every time a call for exclusion is triggered, licensing
commitments should not be present.
… And this applies also to "living standards" - the standards that get
updated in an agile way.
… For us this means we have the option of adopting the new patent policy in
… If we do that, the director will send a new charter, and this will
require you to rejoin.
… The other option is do nothing, and adopt the new patent policy when we
re-charter the WG in 2022.
… PLH recommends that we move to the new patent policy.

Please either be able to make a decision at the meeting, or else indicate
how you would like to vote if you cannot make the meeting [perhaps add to
the agenda]


Peter & Ana

Received on Saturday, 14 November 2020 14:51:43 UTC