Re: [dxwg] DCAT: Proposal for an updated definition for the concept “dataset” (#1195)

A few comments

from the DCAT perspective, the comments about identifiers are most relevant, in that DCAT relates to making statements about datasets - without an identifier this doesnt make sense.

The key issue here is: "Note 2 to entry: Typically, a dataset is described using metadata elements including an identifier and a title." but that is mixing up the metadata, identifier an title concerns.  IMHO these should be separated, and identity treated with sufficient detail to make it clear what the expectation is about endurance/perdurance: is it a community of practice decision to decide how identity evolves for a data set - i.e. tie this into versioning, but perhaps not try to over define this.

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Received on Monday, 9 March 2020 22:37:29 UTC