Re: [dxwg] Values for dcterms:conformsTo of instances dcat:DataService (sparql endpoints, for example) (#1211)

@smrgeoinfo What does matter is not to change the semantics of the dct:conformsTo, since that is defined by DCMI. If you need different semantics then you need a different property. So, yes, it does matter that it is a 'standard' although the interpretation of 'established standard' is somewhat loose. I would say that using dct:conformsTo to link from a dataset to a specific processing program or internal schema is more than a stretch, and doesn't help the client select an application vs a defined standard. Obviously there are no Dublin Core Cops to stop you, but you may not be communicating well outside of your own narrow community if you use dct:conformsTo with two very different meanings. 

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Received on Thursday, 20 February 2020 17:59:34 UTC