Dataset Exchange Working Group Charter Approved; Call for Participation

Dear members of the Dataset Exchange Working Group,

I'm relaying the Call for Participation to the Working Group's primarily 
public mailing list, to notify the group of the new charter approval and 
call for participation.

Best regards,
Xueyuan Jia, W3C Marketing & Communications

-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject:  Dataset Exchange Working Group Charter Approved; Call for 
Date:  Sat, 8 Feb 2020 11:53:30 +0800
From:  xueyuan <>

Dear Advisory Committee Representative,

The Director is pleased to announce the approval of the Dataset Exchange 
Working Group charter:

The group is chartered through 31 January 2022.

The mission of the Dataset Exchange Working Group is to maintain and 
revise the Data Catalog Vocabulary, DCAT, taking into account feature 
requests from the DCAT user community, and publish guidance on the 
specification and use of application profiles when requesting and 
serving data on the Web. The Group released a new revision of Data 
Catalog Vocabulary (DCAT), and is now starting the work on the next release.

Additional detail is available in the charter's Scope section:

Please use the following form to join the group. The form will also 
instruct you how to nominate participants:

Current participants will remain in this group and are not required to 

The Working Group chairs are Peter Winstanley (Invited Expert), Caroline 
Burle ( - Brazilian Network Information Center). Team Contact is 
Philippe Le Hegaret for a total of 0.05 FTE.

More information about the Dataset Exchange WG can be found on its homepage:


This announcement follows section 7.1.2 of the W3C Process Document:

and the Call for Participation follows section 5.2.4 of the W3C Process 

For Tim Berners-Lee, W3C Director,
Philippe Le Hégaret, Project Management Lead;
Xueyuan Jia, W3C Marketing & Communications

Received on Saturday, 8 February 2020 03:59:11 UTC