Re: [dxwg] should DCAT 3 provide its own way to indicate the query to pose to the data service endpoints? (#1230)

I think the distribution of interest is via a WebAPI, and the metadata needs to provide a machine-actionable representation of the resolvable URI template, that includes (at least via links) an explanation of the parameters in the template. 


- dcat:downloadURL appears to implement the simple get a file containing the dataset
- dcat:accessURL is URL to get to a landing page or other web location that will require use interaction to obtain the desired resource representation.
- dcat:accessService has a value that is a dcat:DataService resource that should include sufficient information for a machine agent to present user (human or automaton) with a way to get the data. This is where the current discussions on how to represent a WebAPI become important.  I hope dcat v3 can provide some logically coherent guidance on this to formalize the loosy-goosy stuff... :) . 

see (where is the URI template??)
[Machine Readable Web APIs with](

Some other efforts along these lines:
EarthCube Resource Registry, [API resource type](

[Discussion of Machine actionable Links](, somewhat dated, but covers a lot of the content information that needs to be accounted.

Example JSON-LD:
[IRIS data](
[Template for service description](, using [potential action](

There's a lot of interest in this in the science data community!

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Received on Tuesday, 14 April 2020 16:59:42 UTC