Re: [dxwg] Datasets vs. Catalog relation [RDSCR] (#62)

What about a catalog of physical assets, e.g trucks, equipment for emergency management? Physical assets could be modeled as a subclass of Resource, they are not datasets (even if they describing metadata about these physical datasets). The catalog would be a logical grouping of these assets. Based on the definition of dcat:Dataset, everything seems to fall under this category (including service because they are metadata about the service). I think we need more clarity about its scope. 

@dr-shorthair I conceptualize a digital Map and layer as a *representation* of a dataset. You can have multiple maps derived from the same dataset.  I think Map and Dataset are disjoint concepts. Map and Layer are typically accessible through a service. Is a Map service a subclass of data service?  Is every web service a data service? 

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Received on Tuesday, 29 October 2019 21:13:45 UTC