Hi Rob,

I am one of the editors of the DUV technical note and participated in the
W3C PROV (Sumit Purohit also a member of our working group is also in our
DXWG working group).  During the Data on the Web Best Practices first F2F
meeting the PROV-O -DUV connection was our initial inclination as well.

However as use cases and resulting requirements evolved the concept of
usage focused on: citation, feedback, and information describing how
datasets (and dataset distributions) are used. These requirements tended to
be oriented more toward annotation and publication instead of oriented to
describing data lineage, processing history, or influence.

It is also important to note that in a way, the DUV was an attempt at
filling in some current gaps in DCAT 1.0.

I'm pushing a deadline in the next 24 hours, but will be happy to discuss
any of these aspects in further detail.

Does this help?


Eric Stephan

On Tue, May 30, 2017 at 5:40 PM, Rob Atkinson <>

> Looking through the UC materials I scanned the Data Usage Vocabulary [1]
> and was expecting it to have some alignment with the PROV-O scope - but its
> not very obvious.
> Has anyone got any further information or perspectives on the relationship
> here?
> Rob Atkinson

Received on Wednesday, 31 May 2017 06:06:26 UTC