Re: Versioning

+1 for articulating version Use Cases in more detail. We will consolidate -
and the current "high level" versioning UC is a placeholder for analysis of
requirements - for which we will need more detail.  For now  add new Use
Cases with detail and links specific to the specific case.

Dont assume we need ot handle this by, for example, extending DCAT or
adopting a specific vocabulary

I see several options:
1) do nothing
2) Add something to DCAT and hope it handles the versioning problem in
3) Identify or create one or more versioning conceptual models and
associated vocabularies and recommend adoption
4) provide guidance around use of microformats in existing or new DCAT
elements  (e.g. define semantics of 3.4.0 style version identifiers)
5) provide guidance on how dataset relationships express version evolution
6) other

The only reason to go into this (solution space) in any detail now is to
identify where external constraints should bleed into requirements - for
example a need to be semantically and/or syntactically compatible with
established version negotiation protocols (either at HTTP level or
something like OAI). UCs should express these interactions.

Could the people who have looked into this deeply please ensure any prior
work that can and should be referenced is called out in related Use Cases.

Rob Atkinson

On Tue, 6 Jun 2017 at 05:11 Luiz Olavo Bonino <> wrote:

> Dear all, first sorry for not being able to attend again the call due to a
> national holiday here in the Netherlands. This discussion on versioning
> interests me a lot. I have been struggling with DCAT lack of support for
> this and have been considering a conceptual model that could tackle it. For
> me the issue here is reproducibility in the sense that given a dataset
> identifier, we can expect the same set of data items to be retrieved.
> In my opinion, conceptually, for the evolution cases Nandana mentioned,
> there is an entity named Dataset and periodically, there are Releases of
> this dataset, i.e., a Release is a concrete instance of a Dataset. This
> Release has some properties, including timestamp of the release and version
> number.
> Of course, there are are types of datasets that are not susceptible to be
> released, i.e., retrieving multiple times the same dataset does not
> guarantee that the same set of data items will be retrieved. As Makx
> mentioned the continuously changing datasets like those from information
> systems, e.g., electronic health record data from hospitals. In this latter
> case we could only rely on the create or last modified timestamp of
> individual records.
> Does this make sense to you?
> *Luiz Olavo Bonino*
> Dutch Techcentre for Life Sciences
> *V*isiting address: Catharijnesingel 54 | 3511 GC Utrecht
> *Postal address: *Postbus 19245 | 3501 DE Utrecht
> E-mail:
> Mobile: +31 6 24 61 9131
> Skype: luizolavobonino
> Website:
> On 5 Jun 2017, at 20:49, Karen Coyle <> wrote:
> Makx,
> Thank you. I think that going deeper into the various meanings of
> versioning through additional use cases is a great idea. We can then
> discuss those as a group. (This reminds me of the publication patterns
> for serial publications - and like those it may be hard to cover every
> case.)
> One aspect of versioning that may or may not be relevant but that I see
> in my field is "updates in place" - that is, databases or datasets in
> which updated records are included in the dataset, but there is no
> replacement of the entire dataset (although that can usually be
> requested). These require a call for "updates since ...", and there may
> not be any regularity to the update schedule. These types of datasets
> also require three types of updates: new, replace, delete.
> Does anyone else have this case, and if so, are you able to create a use
> case for it?
> Thanks,
> kc
> On 6/5/17 9:44 AM, Makx Dekkers wrote:
> Apologies for my slow reaction in the discussion today in the call on
> the versioning use case,
> .
> I was struggling with my connection and just managed to note in IRC that
> I didn’t agree with the use case. Disagreeing is not the right word but
> I felt that we maybe need to discuss first what we mean by ‘version’,
> because in my work over the years I have engaged in discussions where
> people didn’t have the same opinion on what we were talking about.
> As I see it, there may be various types of ‘versioning’ relationships
> between datasets. For example:
>  * Evolution: for example, a dataset that is published with
>    year-to-date information; every week or month, new, recent data is
>    appended to the existing data.
>  * Replacement: for example, existing data was wrong in some way, and a
>    new dataset is published that replaces the old data.
>  * Snapshots: for example, continuously changing data like the state of
>    traffic or weather maps with hourly snapshots.
>  * Time series: for example, annual budget data.
>  * Conversion: for example, data that is transformed from one
>    coordinate system to another, or from one set of units to another;
>    similar to translation of textual resources.
>  * Lower/higher granularity: for example, maps in different scales,
>    images in different resolutions, compression like MP3 versus CD
>    sound, and summaries of large amounts of data.
> In my mind, the use case
> is a useful placeholder for a number of more specific cases that might
> have different requirements. I am pretty sure that some of those
> requirements could be satisfied by some explanatory text in the DCAT
> specification; some others might need addition of other properties (or
> even classes?) to DCAT.
> I am planning to write some of this up in separate use cases over the
> next few weeks.
> Makx.
> --
> Karen Coyle
> m: 1-510-435-8234 (Signal)
> skype: kcoylenet/+1-510-984-3600 <+1%20510-984-3600>

Received on Monday, 5 June 2017 22:57:02 UTC