Re: Agenda for tomorrow - and introduction

Dear All,

My apologies for the late notice - I've try to work around my bank holiday
schedule, but it looks like it won't be feasible.

As expressed in previous calls, I'm very interested in having a strong
contribution to DCAT (helping out as an editor would certainly be a great
experience, but I understand that this might be an oversubscribed job, so
I'd gladly leave it to members who can attend the call).

I'm in particular interested in making DCAT more useful to data consumers
especially through:
  1- Having a more granular representation of a dataset and its content,
including simple data categorisations no only into domains, but also
according to the characteristics of the data (temporal, spatial, etc.)
  2- Including granular relationships between datasets (similarly to Rob's
point) that can tell more about how they where produced and how they can be

On point 2, we did with colleagues from The Open University some work
leading to the an ontology of relations between datasets (Datanode, see
[1]). While this is probably too complex to be integrated as is, I believe
that there are some ideas there that could be reused (see [2,3]).

Many Thanks!


On 25 May 2017 at 01:50, Rob Atkinson <> wrote:

> Hi all,
> I do plan to make it - but will introduce myself first as I didnt make the
> initial call.
> Rob Atkinson - nominated to this WG on behalf of the Open Geospatial
> Consortium, where I will be working on definitions management and
> supporting Linked Data infrastructures - in the context of multiple
> projects, the standards process and OGC's own published resources.
> I have also been working on (and hope to have ongoing projects to extend)
> characterisation of data and services in hybrid Linked Data and Service
> Oriented Architectures - and one of the building blocks has been looking at
> RDF-Datacube and extensions for spatio-temporal aspects:
> Previously, I have worked using the Linked Data API and VoiD to describe
> multiple content profiles/views available in Linked Data contexts, with
> particular reference to the inherent polymorphism of spatial data (recorded
> coastline geometries are abstractions that vary greatly in accuracy and
> detail as a very simple example).
> So, mainly interested in:
> 1) how DCAT copes with relationships between data and subsets, and data
> sets and accessor services, and the relationships between accessor services
> and data subsets (service that slices on dimensions = collection of virtual
> data subsets).
> 2) negotiation and discovery of content profiles
> Regards
> Rob Atkinson
> OGC, Metalinkage
> On Thu, 25 May 2017 at 06:49 Caroline Burle <> wrote:
>> Hi Jacco!
>> I am sorry you can't participate tomorrow. Hope you can join in next
>> week!
>> Cheers,
>> Carolin
>> On 24/05/17 17:29, Jacco van Ossenbruggen wrote:
>> Dear I can't make it either,
>> Sorry, Jacco
>> On 24 May 2017 19:06, Luiz Olavo Bonino <>
>> <> wrote:
>> Dear all,
>> As many others in Europe, I’m also not going to be able to attend
>> tomorrow’s call. And following the initiative from Antoine, I’d like to
>> introduce myself.
>> I work for the Dutch Techcentre for Life Sciences coordinating the
>> technical developments around FAIR Data (
>> articles/sdata201618). I am also part of the initial group to define
>> metrics for FAIR data and services in the context of the GO FAIR
>> initiative. My background is in conceptual modelling, ontology engineering
>> and formal ontologies. Part of our work has been to define a multi-layered
>> metadata approach from data repositories to data records, passing through
>> catalogs, datasets and distributions. In this approach we use some existing
>> standards such as RE3Data, DCAT and RML. Due to this, I’m very interested
>> in contributing to this group and improving DCAT/ My main interests are:
>> dataset release/version, DCAT profiles and comprehensive guidelines for
>> DCAT extensions such as quality, provenance, relation between datasets and
>> projects, publications, funds, etc.
>> Looking forward for the emails about the call tomorrow and meeting you in
>> July.
>> Best regards,
>> *Luiz Olavo Bonino*
>> CTO FAIR Data
>> Dutch Techcentre for Life Sciences
>> *V*isiting address: Catharijnesingel 54 | 3511 GC Utrecht
>> *Postal address: *Postbus 19245 | 3501 DE Utrecht
>> E-mail:
>> Mobile: +31 6 24 61 9131
>> Skype: luizolavobonino
>> Website:
>> On 24 May 2017, at 18:21, Antoine Isaac <> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> As many Europeans I can't make it tomorrow, so I'll make my intro here
>> before it's too late...
>> I work as R&D manager at, which has a case for application
>> profiles and extension of its core data model (EDM).
>> I was involved in some previous W3C work, notably SKOS, and the Best
>> Practices for Data on the Web, where I co-edited the Data Quality
>> Vocabulary with Riccardo.
>> I've also worked on application profiles in the DCMI context, with Karen.
>> Finally I'm involved with the International Image Interoperability
>> Framework, which has a case for negotiating metadata application profiles.
>> Re. deliverables, as said I can contribute a couple of cases. I'm also
>> interested in DCAT especially if it has a component on data quality (so,
>> continuing the DQC work with Riccardo). Finally in documenting, publishing
>> application profiles (and data that follows these profiles) - but I'm not
>> sure how much effort I could put into working on these, right now.
>> Best,
>> Antoine
>> On 24/05/17 15:52, Caroline Burle wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> The agenda for tomorrow's call is now posted:
>> Thank you for filling in the Doode pool [1]. From that we got that the
>> majority will be able to participate of the Weekly's meetings on Monday's
>> at 14:00 UTC [1].
>> We understand it is important to have a meeting tomorrow - May 25th - to
>> discuss that and the other items on the agenda.
>> Speak tomorrow!  Hope you're all having a good week.
>> Kind regards,
>> Caroline
>> [1]
>> [2]
>> DXWG+Kick+Off&iso=20170518T14&p1=%3A&ah=1

Received on Monday, 5 June 2017 07:16:13 UTC