Github issue tracking for DXWG

I asked the W3C systems team about ETA for deeper integration of Github
issues into W3C tooling (email/irc).

Response copied here:

<ted> danbri, people are generally encouraged to use GH issues for specs.
there is no plan to integrate (eg cross post) mail threads and GH issues
[15:12] <ted> naturally you can and should link to relevant conversations.
there is a GH irc bot being kicked around but not with issue create
[15:21] <tripu> danbri, in the meantime there's limited integration between
GH and mail or IRC via services
[15:21] <tripu>
[15:21] <tripu>
[15:21] <tripu> some groups/repos use that to receive notifications from GH
[15:31] <ted> tripu++

Perhaps we can integrate IRC #dxwg at least? Having lots of github messages
go to the main mailing list might be too chatty. But there are lots of
customization options within the Github universe...


Received on Tuesday, 18 July 2017 14:57:30 UTC