Re: Today's call time (was Re: Final call to action for DWBP members..... take 10 mins add just one BP implementation example :))

Yep :)

On 11/11/2016 12:56, Caroline Burle wrote:
> Hello!
> The call will be in an hour from now, right?
> Kind regards,
> Caroline
> On 11/11/16 09:58, Deirdre Lee wrote:
>> Thanks Phil.
>> Good work everyone, we're nearly there!
>> We're still missing examples for Data Preservation BPs. Are you aware 
>> of a dataset that was on the web, has been archived, and has complied 
>> with the following BPs?
>>  * Super high-risk Best Practices!!
>>      o Best Practice 27: Preserve identifiers (1)
>>      o Best Practice 28: Assess dataset coverage (0)
>> Talk to you later.
>> Deirdre
>> On 11/11/2016 11:04, Phil Archer wrote:
>>> As daylight saving has ended in both Europe and the USA, it's worth 
>>> just a confirmation that today's call is at 14:00 UTC today. See 
>>> if in doubt what this means in your time zone.
>>> Phil
>>> On 10/11/2016 11:19, Deirdre Lee wrote:
>>>> Hi all,
>>>> As you can see from the overview the editors created, there are a 
>>>> couple
>>>> of BPs that have very few, or worse, no implementation examples!
>>>> These risk being removed from the BP doc.
>>>>  * Super high-risk Best Practices!!
>>>>      o Best Practice 27: Preserve identifiers (1)
>>>>      o Best Practice 28: Assess dataset coverage (0)
>>>>  * High-risk Best Practices!!
>>>>      * Best Practice 8: Provide version history (3)
>>>>      * Best Practice 11: Assign URIs to dataset versions and series 
>>>> (2)
>>>>      * Best Practice 20: Provide real-time access (2)
>>>>      * Best Practice 30: Make feedback available (2)
>>>> *There are 60 participants in the DWBP group, so if everyone was to 
>>>> add
>>>> JUST ONE example, we would sail past our target :)*
>>>> Adding an implementation example using the new form only takes 
>>>> about 10
>>>> minutes!
>>>> We will have a catch-up meeting tomorrow to discuss pushing BP doc 
>>>> over
>>>> the line - we need implementation examples!
>>>> Agenda:
>>>> Talk to you all tomorrow!
>>>> Deirdre
>>>> ----------------------------------
>>>> Derilinx datAdore
>>>> Launch your own data portal in seconds
>>>> ----------------------------------
>>>> Deirdre Lee, CEO
>>>> Derilinx - Linked & Open Data Solutions
>>>> Address:  11/12 Baggot Court, Dublin 2, D02 F891
>>>> Tel:      +353 (0)1 254 4316
>>>> Mob:      +353 (0)87 417 2318
>>>> Linkedin:
>>>> Twitter:  @deirdrelee


Derilinx datAdore
Launch your own data portal in seconds

Deirdre Lee, CEO
Derilinx - Linked & Open Data Solutions
Address:  11/12 Baggot Court, Dublin 2, D02 F891
Tel:      +353 (0)1 254 4316
Mob:      +353 (0)87 417 2318
Twitter:  @deirdrelee

Received on Friday, 11 November 2016 12:59:49 UTC