- From: Antoine Isaac <aisaac@few.vu.nl>
- Date: Fri, 27 May 2016 09:13:34 +0200
- To: Eric Stephan <ericphb@gmail.com>, Bernadette Farias Lóscio <bfl@cin.ufpe.br>, Caroline Burle <cburle@nic.br>, Newton Calegari <newton@nic.br>
- CC: Public DWBP WG <public-dwbp-wg@w3.org>
Hi Eric, BP editors, all, We've got this action together, actually [1] We never had the time to really progress it. And as I wrote in the last call's minutes, I don’t know if I’m tempted. Prior to the last BP publication, There was a sentence on how on DUV and DQV follow the best practice for choosing the right formalization level [2], but it’s been removed in the last edits because it made the text already too long and/or was judged not convincing enough. Where would the paragraph mentioned in action-227 sit? The most natural place would be the best practice on vocabulary re-use (BP15) [3]. But this one is already long. Cheers, Antoine [1] https://www.w3.org/2013/dwbp/track/actions/227 [2] the text was: "The Data Quality [[VOCAB-DQV]] and Data Usage vocabularies [[VOCAB-DUV]] created by the W3C Working Group publishing this document have also sought to minimize the number of formal axioms involved in their definition. For instance, the property dqv:hasQualityMeasurement has no formal domain in the RDFS/OWL sense, even though it is expected to be most often used with resources that are of type dcat:Dataset or dcat:Distribution. This allows application designers to employ it for other types of entities, for which quality measurements would also be relevant but that were not in the focus of the design process for DQV." [3] http://w3c.github.io/dwbp/bp.html#dataVocabularies
Received on Friday, 27 May 2016 07:14:05 UTC