Re: Updates on BP Provide data up to date and BP Make feedback available

Hi Annette,

Thanks again! It reads much better :)


2016-05-03 14:44 GMT-03:00 Annette Greiner <>:

> Oops, I must have been looking at dates with my eyes crossed. I was seeing
> 2016 as 2015.
> Re the feedback BP, how about this?
> "Consumers will be able to assess the kinds of errors that affect the
> dataset, review other users' experiences with it, and be reassured that the
> publisher is actively addressing issues as needed. Consumers will also be
> able to determine whether other users have already provided similar
> feedback, saving them the trouble of submitting unnecessary bug reports and
> sparing the maintainers from having to deal with duplicates."
> -Annette
> On 5/3/16 4:51 AM, Bernadette Farias Lóscio wrote:
> Hi Annette,
> thanks again for your valuable comments and suggestions! I updated the doc
> and the corresponding commits are: BP Up to date [1] and BP feedback
> available [2].
> I agree with most of your suggestions and I just have two comments:
> The first one is about the example of the Up to Date BP:
>> Example
>> I like the example, but there is some new text that is problematic. " The
>> issue date (dct:issued) of the dataset can be used as the basis for the
>> creation of new versions." I don't know what you mean to say with that. If
>> you are making a new version, the original version will of course be used
>> as the basis of the new one, but that has little to do with the issue date
>> or with making sure the update frequency is adequate. "It is important to
>> note that new versions can be created when necessary, however the publisher
>> must ensure that the dataset will be updated according to the predefined
>> update frequency." This is another example of the confusion between
>> updating the available data and updating the web publication. In the
>> example RDF, the date for the previous version is later than the date for
>> the new version.
> I don't understand this part of your comment "This is another example of
> the confusion between updating the available data and updating the web
> publication. In the example RDF, the date for the previous version is later
> than the date for the new version."
> The issue date of the new version (bus-stops-2016-05-05) is 2016-05-05
> while the issue date of the previous version (bus-stops-2015-12-17)
> is 2015-12-17.
> The other comment is about the Intended Outcome of the Feedback BP:
> "Consumers will be able to assess the kinds of errors that affect the
>> dataset and be reassured that the publisher is actively addressing issues
>> as needed. Consumers will also be able to determine whether other users
>> have already provided similar feedback, saving them the trouble of
>> submitting unnecessary bug reports and sparing the maintainers from having
>> to deal with duplicates."
> I like this, but I think we should mention something related to the
> consumer's opinion/rating about a dataset. I think that feedback is also
> important to tell others that it is worth using the dataset rather than
> just to report errors. Does it make sense for you?
> What do you about this?
> "Consumers will be able to assess the kinds of errors that affect the
> dataset as well as consumers ratings and opinions, and be reassured that
> the publisher is actively addressing issues as needed."
> cheers,
> Berna
> [1]
> [2]
> --
> Bernadette Farias Lóscio
> Centro de Informática
> Universidade Federal de Pernambuco - UFPE, Brazil
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
> --
> Annette Greiner
> NERSC Data and Analytics Services
> Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

Bernadette Farias Lóscio
Centro de Informática
Universidade Federal de Pernambuco - UFPE, Brazil

Received on Tuesday, 3 May 2016 17:55:45 UTC